How should we then live? What does it mean to live in a community of believers who take seriously the example of the early Church and follow the great examples of the Church throughout centuries, living in the world but not of the world? What kind of leadership, relationships, charisms, prayers, time, tensions, stages of development will you experience if you decide to pursue life in an authentic community? How do we receive the vision from the Lord? Is it all about creativity and collaboration, networking and projects? How much of my personal life should be committed to a community of believers and its mission? How do we create a communal life's rhythm and pursue the heart of God in all we do? Why 'busyness' is a lie and the requirement for total metanoia is the beginning of all progress in living in a community? Can we have a Catholic community beyond parish? How do we relate to parish which seems to be stagnant? How does a parish look when it becomes a community of communities? What kind of people are ready to enter and serve in a community? Do we need a rule, money, clergy, buildings, plans? What roles do lay apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds and teachers play in a Catholic ecclesial community? How can we transform from programs and events oriented groups to communities operating in the power and love of God?
9:00 Prayer, praise and worship, testimonies
9:30 Session I
10:15 Coffee break
10:30 Session II
11:15 Assessment of my community
12:00 Lunch
1:00 - 2:30 Screening "Summer in the Forest" film
2:30 - 4:00 only for the student of Stone to Flesh School of the Heart
Like countless others Philippe, Michel, Andre and Patrick were labeled 'idiots', locked away and forgotten in violent asylums, until the 1960s, when the young philosopher Jean Vanier took a stand and secured their release - the first time in history that anyone had beaten the system. Together they created L'Arche, a commune at the edge of a beautiful forest near Paris. A quiet revolution was born. Now in his 80s, still at L'Arche and revered by some as a living saint, Jean has discovered something that most of us have forgotten - what it is to be human, to be foolish, and to be happy.
SUMMER IN THE FOREST invite us to abandon the rat race and forge new friendships. Amid the ancient trees, Philippe, Patrick, Jean and the others welcome us into their lives. If there are rules to break, they will be broken and if there is a truth to be told, they will tell it. Michel reveals his war torn past, Andre is desperate for a date, and young David will prove himself a hero in the fight against the forces of evil.
Red Fruit Smoothies
Yummy and healthy! Each cup only $1! Bring CASH!