“And the WORD became Flesh and dwelt (from Gr. made a tent) among us.”
Jesus came to make a tent of His Presence among us so we will see our Creator face to face. The Fire of Love and the Cloud of the Unknown materialized so our prophetic voices can rise with the magnitude of hope.
The tent of His Presence dwells in your heart, you are inhabited by the Everlasting Omnipresence. From now on, the time and space, your body’s boundaries, are anointed into receiving the revelation of the Word Incarnate.
You have an access to the One Who Is.
who is this course for?
If you encountered Jesus and you want to know how to hear His voice, how to process it and how to start living with a fresh expression of love, hope and courage
If you want to start praying with your own words but you run out of ideas after several minutes of prayer
If you want to develop your prophetic insight and activate your revelatory gifts
If you want to meet people who are on a journey of self & God-discovery and you want to belong to a community of seekers
then this course is for you!
Lectio Divina means Divine Reading. It is divine because we are allowing the Holy Spirit to transform our hearts while praying the Scriptures and listening to what He is saying now, today. This way of prayer incarnates the Living Word into our hearts and we become more like Jesus. It is an ancient way practiced by Christians of all streams and denominations. It’s simple and life giving, it renews the mind, enflames the heart and empowers for action.
What you will need:
Bible (paper, not digital); preferred translations although any Bible you have will do: NAB (the Bible used for liturgy in the Catholic Church) or RSVCE (the Bible recommended by Catholic Bible scholars);
Journal, pen
What can you expect:
Teaching & Practicum
Discussion, Q&A and Ending Prayer
Basic Lectio Divina Courses on demand.
Included: main Lectio Divina lessons based on a particular Scripture, practicum, discussion, Q&A, live interactions with other participants, outlines, access to group database.
Lectio Divina 101:
focused Lectio Divina:
Lectio Divina for Artists - On demand
“It is especially necessary that listening to the word of God should become a life-giving encounter, in the ancient and ever valid tradition of lectio divina, which draws from the biblical text the living word which questions, directs and shapes our lives.”
“For those who practice it, the experience of sacred reading sharpens perception, enriches understanding, rouses from sloth, banishes idleness, orders life, corrects bad habits, produces salutary weeping, and draws tears from contrite hearts . . . curbs idle speech and vanity, awakens longing for Christ and the heavenly fatherland.”
“One single sentence from Sacred Scripture can nourish the soul, illuminate it, strengthen it in adversity. Sacred Scripture is something far superior to a simple exposition of dogma, subdivided into special tracts: it is an ocean of revealed truth in which we can taste in advance the joys of eternal life.”