Elements of Formation
“Whereas discipline without discipleship leads to rigid formalism, discipleship without discipline ends in sentimental romanticism.”
During this year you will be formed by your personal and communal prayer and study, by discovering the balance of spiritual and human disciplines handed down by the wisdom of the Church, by teaching, training, and equipping offered by great instructors, by relationships with other students, and by the ministry.
Formation in Spiritual Life:
Rooted in the Word of God and the teaching of the Church
Evoking spiritual response to the surrounding culture
Personal development based on the greatest teachers of Christian spirituality
Establishing solid foundations in personal and communal prayer life: daily Lectio Divina and spiritual reading, participation in Sacraments, Liturgy of the Hours, Adoration, communal charismatic and traditional forms of prayer.
Development of spiritual discernment
Practicum in developing natural and supernatural charisms in the service for the Church
Developing spiritual friendships
Formation in Liturgy:
Simple chant
Liturgy of the Hours
The Paschal Mystery
Eucharistic Adoration
Formation in Pastoral Theology:
Identity and formation of laity
Faith and Reason
Evangelization: biblical, pastoral, practical.
Forming of communities of faith
Mercy and the Catholic social teaching
Formation in Intellectual and moral Life:
Daily Bible reading and studying
Catechism study of sections regarding revelation and faith, Christology, prayer, sin/grace/redemption, Christian life, Trinity, Holy Spirit, charisms, sacraments, ecclesiology, eschatology
Human Formation:
Theology of the Body
Basics of anthropology, metaphysics and personhood
Creativity and arts
Freedom and society
Church, parish, community of faith, family.
Early Christian initiation, catechumenate in history of the Church and now
“Every mystery of life has its origin in the heart.”
weekly topics
Quarter 1:
Human Heart. Prayer. A vision for a life of prayer based on the writings and experience of saints and mystics. Metanoia. Identity in Jesus and personal revival. An authentic lifestyle of a contemplative activist, worshipper and disciple. Rhythm of Christian life.
Holy Spirit
Quarter 2:
Holy Spirit and His gifts: sanctifying, charismatic, ministry gifts. Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Discernment of the spirits and God’s will. Renewal of mind. Call of God. Hearing God’s voice. Spiritual warfare. Deliverance, physical and inner healing. Prophetic gifts. Intercession. Anointing.
Quarter 3:
Evangelization in the current culture. Kerygmatic preaching. Thresholds and engaging post-Christian culture. Alpha training and leading Alpha course. Evangelization in family, parish, work, neighborhood, ministry. Stages of discipleship. New and old evangelization.
Quarter 4:
Relationships. Belonging. Spiritual Friendships. Living the Book of Acts in the 21st century. Leadership and community building. Developing mission, vision, values, strategy, and culture. Developing a personal vision for Christian life in a communal setting. Team building for revival. RETREAT.
“The heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing of... We know the truth not only by the reason, but by the heart.”